Our Impact

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The education provided by Chatham Literacy has a tremendous impact, on the lives of both our students and our tutors. Students gain new skills which help them in their careers, as a role model to their families, and as a member of our community. Tutors are moved and rewarded by seeing their students succeed in their studies and in life.

“Being a tutor has brought me a wonderful new friend from El Salvador, and it has given me the opportunity to watch her blossom as she explores a new country, a new language, and countless new experiences. My student has become a model to me of exemplary energy, planning, dedication, and passion involved in working toward what would have once been unimaginable goals.” – Anne Dobson

New US Citizen


Fiscal Year 2022 – 2023

  • 151 adult learners engaged in tutoring services
  • 54 tutors volunteered
  • 4,047 instructional hours logged
  • 60% of adult leaners with 70 instructional hours gained at least one grade level or one literacy level in their reading ability. (National average is 40%.)
  • 8 adult learners became U.S. citizens
    (142 new citizens since Chatham Literacy started in 2008!

Tutor Stories

More stories about our tutors

Student Stories

More stories about our learners

Our Partners

Community Impact Reports

We are proud of the accomplishments of the Chatham County Literacy Council, our students, and our volunteers, which are chronicled in our annual reports. To learn more about our programming, income, and expenditures, please click on one of the impact reports below.

2022-23 Community Impact Report

Read about all of our accomplishments in the past year.
Please share our story with your family and friends.

2021-2022 Impact Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2016 Annual Report
2015 Annual Report
2014 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report

Download the 2022-2023 Chatham Literacy Annual Report

2019 Chatham Literacy Needs Assessment

The purpose of this report is to provide the broadest summary statements, key findings, and recommendations from the Literacy Needs Assessment and Literacy Skills Assessment. This Community Narrative is the first of three increasingly detailed reports. Click below to download the report.

Needs Assessment

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