
Debbi Carter and students

Become a Learner at Chatham Literacy

Chatham Literacy provides free adult education to those living or working in Chatham County. We match people who want to learn with people who volunteer to teach. Our programs fall under the categories of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Citizenship, Financial Literacy, and Adult Goal-Based Education.

We offer free classes to:
• Read better
• Write more clearly
• Learn basic math
• Learn to use a computer
• Prepare for a GED® (high school credential)
• Learn English as a Second Language (ESOL)
• Prepare for citizenship
• Learn how to manage your finances
• Learn skills for workplace success
We are here to help you and your family.
• You would work with a tutor each step of the way.
• Our tutors are trained and will have books to help you.
• There is no cost for tutoring. It is free.
• We offer tutoring at many locations that are safe, private, and convenient.

If you are interested in our educational programs as either a student or tutor, please contact us at 919-742-0578 or Or use the buttons below to download an application.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

ESOL classes are for people who moved here from other countries and want to learn how to read, write, understand, and speak English.  Students can work one-on-one with a tutor or take classes with a small group.

Proficiency in speaking English can open many doors of opportunity. Learning English in America is important because it enables effective communication, promotes integration, creates educational and career opportunities, fosters independence, and encourages cultural understanding.

Our students are matched with a volunteer tutor to provide one-on-one or classroom instruction. Together, they work to achieve the student’s goals.

If you are interested in improving your English skills, or if you are intersted in becoming a tutor, please contact us at 919-742-0578 or Or use the buttons above to download an application.


Citizenship classes are for people who want to prepare for the naturalization test to become a U.S. citizen.

Citizenship provides a sense of belonging, legal protection, and the ability to fully participate in civic life. It offers opportunities for political engagement, including voting and running for public office, allowing immigrants to influence decisions that affect their lives. Citizenship grants access to government benefits and social services, enhances job prospects, and provides a sense of stability and security. Moreover, citizenship affirms commitment to the values and principles of the United States, fostering a stronger connection to the country and enabling immigrants to fully realize the American Dream.

We help people who want to become citizens study for citizenship test. It involves the history, government structure, and civic responsibilities of the United States. Aspiring citizens engage in diligent preparation, delving into topics such as the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the branches of government, and the rights and freedoms that define this nation. Through studying, they gain a deeper understanding of the values and principles that underpin American society. This process instills a sense of pride, as individuals equip themselves with the knowledge needed to actively participate in civic life and contribute to their communities. The dedication and effort put into studying for the citizenship test demonstrate a strong commitment to embracing the rights and responsibilities that come with being a U.S. citizen.

If you want to become a citizen, or provide help those who do, please contact us at 919-742-0578 or Or use the buttons above to download an application.

Adult Goal-Based Education (AGBE)

Ruth and Her GED Students

Our Adult Basic Education (ABE) program is designed for adults who cannot read, write, or do math well enough to reach their goals.  Some students are hoping that better skills will lead to a job or a promotion. Some are working toward their high school equivalency. Some just want to be able to do everyday tasks they have trouble with now, like helping their children with homework, reading a prescription, or being able to fill out forms. No matter what a student hopes to achieve, we can help.

Adult goal-based education refers to an approach to adult learning that focuses on setting and achieving specific learning goals. It is a learner-centered approach that recognizes the unique needs, motivations, and aspirations of adult learners. In this educational framework, adults actively participate in defining their learning objectives, which may include acquiring new skills, knowledge, or competencies to accomplish personal, professional, or academic goals.

Adult goal-based education emphasizes the relevance and practicality of the learning process. It often involves personalized learning plans, individualized instruction, and flexible learning pathways tailored to meet the specific needs and interests of adult learners. The learning goals can vary widely, ranging from career advancement and job skills development to personal enrichment and self-improvement.

This approach recognizes that adults bring their life experiences, prior knowledge, and skills to the learning environment. It values the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of adult learners and seeks to capitalize on their existing strengths. Adult goal-based education often promotes active engagement, critical thinking, problem-solving, and practical application of knowledge in real-life contexts.

Overall, adult goal-based education empowers adults to take charge of their learning journey, set meaningful goals, and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve those goals, enabling them to succeed and thrive in their personal, professional, and academic pursuits.

Spanish Literacy

Tailored specifically for native Spanish speakers who haven’t had the opportunity to learn how to read or write, this program is a testament to our commitment to inclusivity and educational accessibility. We recognize the importance of fostering literacy skills in one’s native language as a foundation for broader learning, and the Spanish Literacy Program is poised to make a significant impact on the lives of individuals seeking to enhance their abilities and engage more fully in the community.

Why is this program so crucial? Studies consistently show that developing literacy skills in one’s native language not only boosts confidence and self-esteem but also lays a solid foundation for learning additional languages, such as English. The Spanish Literacy Program at Chatham Literacy goes beyond teaching letters and words — it opens doors to a world of possibilities, providing a supportive environment for individuals to embark on their educational journey. Together, let’s celebrate the power of literacy and the incredible potential it holds for every member of our diverse community! By promoting Spanish literacy, Chatham Literacy is facilitating a bridge for language learners to more effectively acquire English proficiency.

Financial Literacy

We are excited and looking forward to expanding our Financial Literacy Program around Chatham County. Our classes run for ten weeks for 1.5 hours per week. The basic free course modules are as follows:

● Money Values and Influences
● You Can Bank On It
● Income and Expenses
● Spending and Saving Plan
● Your Savings
● Credit Report and Scores

For more information, contact Loyda Estrada, Program Coordinator at (919) 742-0578

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