T-shirt Tuesday!

Congratulations to the winners of Chatham Literacy’s November 3 T-shirt Tuesday drawing:  numbers 280, 46, 93, 78, and 47.   Those wearing Literacy Matters T-shirts with those numbers to Bella Donna Italian Restaurant between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Tuesday, November 3, will receive a FREE sandwich and side salad.  All others wearing Literacy Matters T-shirts will receive 10% off their order during those hours. Mangiare bene!

Bella Donna Italian Restaurant is at 440 East Street in downtown Pittsboro. Those with shirts bearing a winning number will receive one of these free sandwiches: Caprese, Muffalata, Chicken Pasta Salad, Meatball, local 1/4 lb. Beef Burger, Chicken Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, or Tuscan Chicken.  To read about the ingredients, visit belladonnaitalianrestaurant.com

T-shirt Tuesday!
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