Operation Round Up Grant

Thanks to Central Electric’s customers for rounding up their monthly bill! Because of you…there was money to grant to Chatham Literacy. We are very thankful for the $3,000 award we received that will support tutoring services for adults who live or work in Chatham County.

Operation Round Up is a volunteer program in which Central Electric Members can choose to round up their electric bill to the next whole dollar each month, in order to help those in need. The money is used to provide assistance for all kinds of worthy projects in Chatham, Harnett, Moore, Lee and Randolph communities. For example, if your bill is $65.74, Central Electric will round up your bill to $66.00. The extra 26 cents will go into the Central Electric Member Care Trust fund. The average yearly contribution is around $6.00 with the most being $11.88.

Operation Round Up targets non-profit organizations, groups and charities that are currently serving members of Central Electric. The guidelines used for awarding Operation Round Up funds address food, shelter, clothing, education, health care and vital community service needs

Operation Round Up Grant
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