Chatham Literacy simply wants to thank you for sharing all of your terrific teaching super-powers with your students!!
Your commitment is not only amazing – it’s breathtaking. Continuing your excellent teaching, while wading through this coronavirus crisis, ignites the rest of us to what’s possible. As Einstein said, “Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” All of you have done that – and more!
Not only have you used your time and talents to embrace tutoring this year, your dedication during this crisis helped our program transition to a truly creative and dynamic teaching-FORCE!
The Board of Directors and I thank you so much for sharing your super-talents with us! And paraphrasing the immortal teaching style of Dr. Seuss, your commitment has been captured in these simple words…

Thank you for being a part of the Chatham Literacy family and for being our super heros!
Be safe and stay well during these uncertain times,

Vicki Newell
Chatham Literacy Executive Director