September is National Literacy Month, and Chatham Literacy is working on some exciting ways we can celebrate together. We have a new theme for the month: Literacy: Never too early! Never too late! We also have new literacy T-shirts with a brand new look for this brand new campaign!
Don’t miss out on the fun.
Get your T-shirts now!
For the third year, you can help us promote the importance of literacy by wearing specially designed T-shirts in your community. If you have a business, we hope you’ll partner with us by encouraging your employees to wear the shirts on International Literacy Day and/or by being one of our participating businesses.  To learn more about the T-shirt events or to place an order, visit our T-shirt FUN page.
Visit the pirate ship!
Come out and support our literacy mateys during First Sunday activities in downtown Pittsboro, noon to 5 p.m. on September 4. Our pirates will be waiting for you at their pirate ship, where you can learn about Chatham Literacy’s services, sign up to volunteer, sign up for services, or just say hi and cheer.
Celebrate International Literacy Day
Show that you care about literacy by wearing your literacy T-shirt from noon to 1 p.m. – or all day if you can – on September 8, International Literacy Day. Snap selfies and group photos of you and your friends wearing your shirts, then post them on your social media pages and on Chatham Literacy’s Facebook page. Email them to and we’ll post them on our website.
Participating businesses will be offering discounts all day on September 8 to customers wearing their 2016 literacy T-shirts.
Get in the swing Â
You won’t want to miss Chatham Literacy’s new FUNdraiser – Literacy Swings – from 7 to 9:30 p.m. on September 27 at the Pittsboro Roadhouse.
For a $20 donation, you’ll be able to dance to the fabulous sounds of The Ambassadors, a swing-era big band that has been pleasing area crowds since 2003. Check out our Literacy Swings page for the details and to register.
We look forward to seeing you soon!