Interest Meetings
Are you interested in working with adult learners? Whether you’ve already made your decision to become a Chatham Literacy tutor or you simply want to learn more about our organization, we invite you schedule an interest session. This can be a face-to-face meeting or happen via phone or video call. Depending on the questions you have, interest meetings last from 30 to 60 minutes.
To get started or for more information, contact Volunteer Coordinator Travis Patterson at 919-930-7284.
Tutor Training
After your initial interest meeting, you will have one more meeting at a time of your convenience to be oriented to tutor materials and Chatham Literacy logistics. Then you will sign up for a face-to-face training. Face-to-face trainings are offered on several Saturdays throughout the year at different locations around Chatham County. They run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with lunch provided.
The 2018 Tutor Training Sessions are not fully scheduled, but there is one session planned:
- Feb. 3: Tutor Training, site TBD