Improving skills and lives
Chatham County Literacy Council provides free tutoring for adults in:
- Reading
I need English class for my work and family. I work for people who don’t speak Spanish. I need to speak and understand English to communicate with them. My daughter needs help with her homework and I need English for shopping and doctor appointments. Anyone speaking two languages has twice as many opportunities! ~Cecilia V., ESL Student
- Writing
- Basic math
- Beginning computer skills
- ESL (English as a Second Language) learning
- Preparation for high school equivalency
- Basic computer skills
- Citizenship preparation
- ‘Soft skills’ training on expectations in the workplace
By learning these skills you could:
- Get your high school equivalency diploma
- Get a better job or become a more valued employee
- Help your kids in school
- Become a U.S. citizen
- … and much more!
To find out more about what we do, take a look at our video below and then check out our Student FAQ and Classes pages.
If you’d like to talk with someone about Chatham Literacy, please contact our student coordinator, Leslie Ocampo, at 919-742-0578 or at